Maybe I'm just being a cynic, but I spent the better part of today getting rained on at Farmers Market. And that makes me cranky. I don't melt in the rain but I get cold and I hate that.
I did sell all my gallon tomato plants and two flats of basil that luckily had been kept in the greenhouse. Folks want to plant but are getting discouraged by the cold weather. They were happy to see my plants with fruit on the vines already. These might be the only tomatoes they see this year.
I feel for the hummingbirds. They have no reserves of warmth and alot of the flowers are late so they really need those feeders.
Even the local chickens don't look happy.
So let's all go SHOPPING!!
As you probably heard, last weekend was the Farm Chicks Show. An annual event that showcases everything vintage, junke, and funk. It was huge and fantastic. And I met several gals whose blogs I have been following. There was so much to see and explore. I went Saturday after Farmers Market with Lori from work. We oohed and aahed for hours and found a couple of things on our (okay, my wish list). It was fun getting to know the things we each liked to collect.
On Sunday, I met Betsy there and we spent all day really looking things over. We took lots of photos and jotted ideas down. If I want to have a booth there next year I need to have ideas for display. The Farm Chicks are known for their special art of display.
We went to the magazine signing of both Country Living and Flea Market Style and met some wonderful ladies. And of course the Farm Chick herself, Serena!
By the end of the day I was beat and happy to get home and put my feet up. But that weekend will stay with me a long time.
I brought home a French bath tub and stand, a cider press, a glass-inlay washboard, and a vintage dress. And many memories and new friends.
Can't wait till next year!