Then on the chairs are the boxes that just came from UPS filled with hanging glass balls and teardrops for the terrariums I will be planting.
Below that are the seed catalogs and bins of last years seeds that have been inventoried with invoices for seeds newly ordered.
Taking over the left side are kegs of beer covered in towels fermenting for the desired number of weeks before bottling. With the furnace vent just below, it is the ideal warm spot for such an activity! Alongside them are the boxes of bottles, caps and the antique bottle capper recently acquired via E Bay.
In front are precarious stacks of glass baking pans, pie pans, Corning Ware baking dish sets, mixing bowls, serving bowls, and bread pans. These are from the little frenzy of re-organizing the kitchen pantry and island cupboards that took place one morning before work this week.
Next to them are last years business receipts and invoices, inventory lists, documents and files from the business taxes that were just completed.
Add in a few misplaced bills, Valentines decorations ready to be put up, a sack of clothes for the Goodwill, supplies for the next batch of Chex mix and a 25 pound box of dog treats and you have my dining room table! What would we do without it?