Just finished up with my last vintage and handcraft show for the year.
So now I can focus on Christmas and the family.
Thanks you guys for all your support and help in my endeavors at Farmers Market and all the shows you packed and unpacked and got me to!
As I am sitting here in the office, looking out thru the sunroom windows, I am eternally grateful for a roof over my head.
It is absolutely freezing! About 12° but feels like 2° with the wind.
The chickens are going to stay in their house for a bit longer today I think!
We have a winter storm watch ahead of us so getting the generator, flashlights, oil lamps and candles, and extra blankets ready.
Oh and the doggy sweaters are at the ready!
Anyway, to get my mind off all the heavy boxes of Christmas decorations I need to haul up from the basement, and this looming storm, I am thinking of all the things I do enjoy about this time of year.
Very random things
I love the Christmas lighting contests on TV.
Watching Bruno Mars on the Victoria Secrets show.

And all the beautiful girls and their costumes!
The annual Dr. Who Christmas special!! Can't wait!

Watching the Hallmark channel movies all night long.
Seeing my dogs in their warm sweaters.
Grateful birds and squirrels at my feeders.

Warm quilts and snugly blankets.
Chevy heaters!!
Star gazing in the clear nights.

Christmas lights and displays.
The Santa outside stores ringing their bells.
Small business Saturdays.
Putting up a Christmas tree.

The looks on children's faces.
Baking and more baking. Decorating cookies with the kiddos.

Flannel sheets on my bed!
Snowmen everywhere.
Angels everywhere.
Rudolph everywhere.
Penguins everywhere.
Polar bears everywhere.
Men with beards and wearing flannels.
Plaid anything! I love plaid!
Fur-lined boots.
Watching kids jumping and sliding on frozen puddles while walking to the bus stop.
The UPS man delivering packages to my porch!
The FedEx man delivering packages to my porch!
The mail lady delivering packages to my porch!
The feeling we get this time of year. Can't we keep it all year?
Family and friends draw near. Christmas cards still appear.
The sun is coming out and it makes everything just a bit more cheery.
The holiday cactus are blooming, the amaryllis are budding.
The rooms are scented with cinnamon, and bayberry, and pine.
Iced drinks are replaced with hot.
I love wrapping my hands around a hot cup of Earl Grey or Constant Comment!
Cuddling my my Hubs and the doggies!
I think I will go do that now.
Share some of your favorite things about this time of year.
And look at this season through the eyes of a child!
Reach out to others and look beyond your own struggles.
Peace and Cheers,